However, astrologically, the best direction of your head when sleeping should be towards the direction of Sog-Tsho (healthy life) depending on year’s Parkha. Sog-Tso is the direction of Vitality and Health and is the second-best in Parkha directions. It is traditional to sleep with one's head pointed in this direction. The direction could be any.
Sog-Tso location in 9 Parkha.
Sog-Tso direction
Your Age (Bhutanese calculation system) and the Parkha
Male Age Group Parkha
Female Age Group Parkha
Your Parkha is LI
Parkha direction for LI
Age Male
(1,9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73,81,89) |
Age Female
(5,13,21,29,37,45,53,61,69,77,85) |
The above age group should face their head to East when sleeping in the year 2021. So find your sleeping direction.
Phub Dorji Wang