Thursday, June 6, 2019

The 20th emnation of Nobel Tara Ritod Loma Jonma

Ritod Loma Jonma, Noble Lady Tara of Mountain Retreat, Clothed in Leaves, who Removes Contagious Disease.
Tara Rito Loma jonma is known for giving protection against contagious diseases, plagues, and fevers. Roughly translated, Rito means “mountain hermitage”, Loma means “leaves of a tree”, and Jonma means “wearing”. So this is the Tara wearing the leaves of a tree in her mountain retreat. In many of the traditional stories about Tara, she appears as a lady dressed in leaves to save a devotee from a fearful situation.
om jetsünma pakma drolma la chaktsal lo
Homage to the noble lady Tārā!
chaktsal nyima dawa gyepé
Homage to you, whose eyes shine with lustre,
chen nyipo la ö rabsal ma
Bright with the fullness of sun and moon.
hara nyi jö tuttara yi
With twice-uttered hara and tuttāre
shintu drakpö rimné selma
You pacify most intractable diseases.
The twentieth homage is to Lhamo Rithrodma, the “Mendicant Tara”, who averts all diseases. She is orange and her hand holds a vase of nectar on a blue lotus. Her left eye is like the full moon and her right eye is like the sun. Her right eye emits blazing rays that burn all the lords of diseases, (those who command the evil spirits that bring disease) like haystacks. 
Clear nectar flows from the moon, (her left eye) curing the causes and effects of diseases and epidemics. Her mantra, OM TARE TUTTARE TURE NAMA TARE NAMO HARA HUNG HARA SVA HA has two HARA sounds and a TUTTARA. The mantra can cure even the most dangerous incurable epidemics. The ultimate meaning is that if the mother-sphere of transcendent wisdom is realized, the most dangerous epidemics of afflictions, their causes and fruitions, can be cured.
On the throne of lotus and moon appears Noble Lady Tara Ritod Loma Jonma, yellow-red like saffron, with one face and two arms. She sits in the dismounting posture. Her right hand is in the mudra of supreme charity. Her left hand, in the mudra of the Three Jewels, holds the stem of an utpala flower blooming at her ear. 

On its pistil is a zamatog filled with nectar. Light blazes from the sun and full moon of her eyes, burning contagious disease and those who cause it, and healing sickness. Meditate on this and recite this mantra with TUTTARA and twice-spoken HARA: