King Indrabhuti asked five questions to young Guru Rinpoche after Guru Rinpoche emanated from the lotus as a young child.
1. Where do you come from?
2. What is your father's name?
3. What is your mother's name?
4. What do you do?
5. What do you eat?
Guru Rinpoche answered:
1. I come from the unborn Dharmadhatu.
2. My father's name is Kuntuzangpo.
3. My mother's name is Kuntuzangmo.
(Kuntuzangpo means, "always good" in Tibetan.
4. I am here to help all sentient beings of the six realms.
5. I eat dualistic conceptions and my words benefit all beings.
Being a Buddhist, King Indrabhuti was very much pleased with these answers.