Thursday, September 12, 2024

๐’๐š๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐ ๐Š๐ข๐ฅ๐ฒ๐š

Recently, two sacred Kilyas (Phurbas) were crafted from a unique blend of sacred iron and precious ferrous materials, meticulously following the instructions outlined in Guru Rinpoche's ancient texts.
The lower portion, which forms the three-edged dagger blade, was meticulously forged from a collection of profoundly significant and revered materials:

- Iron chain crafted by the Great Mahasidha Drupthop Thangtong Gyalpo
- Iron mined by Terton Pema Lingpa, a renowned treasure revealer
- Iron from Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the unifier of Bhutan
- Sky metal (a meteorite from Argentina), originating from a 4.5 billion-year-old asteroid that struck Argentina 5,500 years ago. This meteorite, accompanied by an authentic certificate, was sent by a Facebook friend who requested the crafting of a Phurba and ring for his Rinpoche.
- Earthly metals over 600 years old, including a plowing blade and spade
- Ancient cast iron religious artifacts, some over 500 years old
- Metal ore, comprised of six types of metal, mined from a depth of 7 km in the Indian Ocean, obtained from the National Metallurgy Laboratory in Orissa, India
- A sword used during the Bhutan-Tibetan war, believed to have claimed the lives of 30 people during the era of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
- A dagger that killed both a knight and his horse in battle
- Very old door hinges and latches from monasteries across the country
- Mani wheel hinges from Simtokha Dzong, crafted by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel.

Along with other metals such as copper, brass, silver, aluminum, bronze, stainless steel, and various ferroalloys, these sacred materials were melted together in a 5 kg Inductotherm Induction furnace.
The molten mixture was then cast into a round shape, heated, and rolled into a square bar at a rolling mill. From this bar, the sacred Phurba blade was expertly shaped.
The top portion, readymade small a Phurba and Dorje Kilya was procured and welded onto the lower section, completing this extraordinary Kilya, imbued with immense spiritual significance. Many of these sacred materials were obtained from the Je Gedun Rinchen Tshopa and other friends.

Blessing to all.

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