Thursday, October 3, 2019

LUE (ཀླུ), Nagas should be treated with respect

LUE are a class of beings generally of snake type that dwell in a variety of locations and also in unseen realms. 

They store great treasures of wealth and precious stones, and sometimes books of secret teachings in underwater palaces.

It is said   that Nagarjuna retrieved the Prajnaparamita Sutras from the Nagas, after it had been entrusted to their care by Buddha Shakyamuni.
Like other wealthy beings they are dangerous and volatile. Benign Lue can be the most generous of allies, but their fierce counterparts are known to cause certain classes of disease.

They are susceptible to suffering the moment their environments are disturbed. It is proven that they do retaliate in the form of inflicting severe type skin diseases and in worst case they bring various natural calamities.

On the other side, if they are worshipped with devotion LUE can bestow various types of wealth; assure fertility of crops and the environment. But if disturbed they can even decline these blessings. 

Whenever construction is planned, the most important thing is to see presence of Lue in the vicinity. It should not be disturbed. However, if it falls within your site plan, you can relocate the Lueyi bumtey. The relocation requires vast rituals and can be done only by revered lama and Rinpoche. 
The importance of Lue can also be gauged from the record present in the Dathog (almanac). Whenever Luethab fall on a day, one can perform Lu Sang and offer milk and food to increase prosperity, and assist the Lue by preserving the positive qualities of their natural environment.
When Buddha Shakyamuni was meditating under the Bodhi tree, just before attaining awakening, a storm arose, and the Naga Muchalinda (Skt. Mucalinda) protected the Buddha to be from the rain.
According to the Vinaya or Buddhist Monastic Rule, an animal cannot become a monk.   At one time, a Naga was so desirous of entering the Order that he assumed human form in order to be ordained.

"Shortly after, when asleep in his hut, the Lue returned to the shape of a huge snake. The monk who shared the hut was somewhat alarmed when he woke up to see a great snake sleeping next to him! The Lord Buddha summoned the Lue and told him he may not remain as a monk, at which the utterly disconsolate snake began to weep. The snake was given the Five Precepts as the means to attaining a human existence in his next life when he can then be a monk. Then out of compassion for the sad snake, the Lord Buddha said that from then on all candidates for the monkhood is called 'Naga' as a consolation. They are still called 'Naga' to this day." 

In Bhutan there are countless Lue spread all over the country and extreme care is exercised to maintain cleanliness around this abode.
Their king is Nanda Taksaka (Jogpo), and they are divided into five castes like those of Hindus: the kingly caste, the noles, the Brahmins, the Vaisya, and the Sudra. Their bodies are half.human, half-snake. In Buddhism, they are considered to be under the authority of Virupaksa, the guardian king of the West.

In the Tibetan era, the hero Gesar of Ling was born of a naga mother.
So we must treat Lue with respect and appease from time to time on a good day.

Geney Domtsangpa.

All babies born in Thimphu, especially at Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Referral Hospital, are cared for by the local deity Domtsangpa, who resides ...