Trulku Khentruel Sonam Gyeltshen (the 11th
lineage holder of the heart son of Terchen Dorje Lingpa, Tshungmed Tashi Tenzin)
Busa Trulku Khentruel Sonam Gyeltshen is the eleventh (11th)
successive lineage holder of Tshungmed Tashi Tenzin, the heart son of Terchen
Dorji Lingpa, and the Trulku (reincarnation) of Lam Phuntsho Dorji (Tsundrue
Dorji ), the ninth (9th) successive lineage holder of Tshungmed Tashi
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(Tรผrchen Dorfe Lingpa's Heart Son Tshungmed Tashi Tenzin) |
According to Buddhist history Terchen (treasure revealer)
Dorji Lingpa is the East Treasure King of Second Buddha Ugyen Guru Rinpoche and
is the third of the five treasure kings (Terton Gyelpo Nga)1.
Busa Trulku Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche is also known
by his religious name Sangay Yeser and more commonly called 'Lam Chung Sonam’
which he has been called since a very young age.
Busa Trulku Khentrul Sonam Gyeltshen Rinpoche is the
Chairman of the Dorji Lingpa Foundation.
Historical context:
During the eighth (8th) century, the Second Buddha Ugyen
Guru Rinpoche travelled through Bhutan, particularly in the current location of
Trulku's monastery, subduing evils, burying treasures for future discovery and
also left his body prints (feet and hands) in many locations.
In the fourteenth (14th) century The Terchen Dorji Lingpa
discovered the treasure of a Golden Dragger and a scripture titled “Thukji
Chenpo Gyelwa Jamtsho” and revealed many other relics from the Tshomo Umteng
lake in the high mountains of Bhutan.
The Umteng Lake is located two day’s
walking north of Trulku’s monastery (called Busa Wangdue Goenpa Dhensa). With
these treasures, Dorji Lingpa arrived on the hill where the current monastery
is located, meditated and prophesized that in future his Heart Son would
establish a monastery at this location.
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(Terchen Dorne Lingpa) |
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(Busa Wangdue Goenpa Dhensa) |
Subsequently, in the seventeen (17th) century, the Heart Son
of Dorji Lingpa, called Thuksay Tshungmed Tashi Tenzin came and laid the
foundation of the monastery. The same Golden Dragger revealed by Dorji Lingpa,
which was in his possession, was used to consecrate the ground. This was also
the start of the Busa Trulku Lineage at Busa Wangdue Goenpa Dhensa.
Biography of Busa Trulku Khentrul Sonam Gyetshen Rinpoche
Busa Trulku Khentrul Sonam Gyetshen Rinpoche was born on the
19th Day of the Fourth (4th) Month (Auspicious Saga Dawa Bhutanese Month) of
Wood Tiger Year 1974 at Busa Wangdue Goenpa Monastery. Trulku was born
immediately after his father Nyep Phurpa completed the 19th Day offering to the
Protecting Deity Goenpo Maning (Mahakala)2. At the time of Trulku’s birth local
residents noticed the holy water from a holy spring turned to milk colour on
that day.
From the time of his birth Trulku spent his time with Agay
(Uncle) Lama Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche and slept at his Uncle’s residence instead
of with his parent even when he was a child. Trulku was able to distinguish the
personal belongings from his previous life from when he was very young.
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(Agay Lama Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche during Dorji Lingpa Long Life Empowerment ceremony at Busa Wangdue Goenpa Tshechu - Jan 5, 2015) |
Bhutan’s monastic body affirmed his identity as a Trulku, or
reincarnation, as the ninth (9th) successive lineage holder of Tshungmed Tashi
Tenzin, the Heart Son of Tertoen Dorji Lingpa.
At the age of seven Trulku started his early education in
Buddhist teaching for five years at the Central Monastic Body, with the
Sixty-Seventh Je Khenpo (3) Nyizer Tulku Thinley Lhundrub in Tashichodzong, Thimphu.
He then joined Nyingmapa studies at Buddhist college (Tholop Shedra) at
Gangteng Monastery. He completed his monastic education (Zinda Gupa) with a
Master of Arts in Buddhist Philosophy from Gangteng Tholop Shedra under the
tutelage of His Eminence 9th Gangteng Trulku Rinpoche Kuenzang Pema Namgyal.
During the course of his studies at Gangteng Monastery, he also spent years of
studying Buddhist Philosophy, including two years of Buddhist debate in
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(Trulku with His Holiness the Je Khenpo) |
Upon the successful completion of his monastic education,
Trulku entered his Lo-Sum-Choe-Sum, three years retreat in 2003. From 2007 –
2009, he worked in the capacity of Lopen (teacher) and Drungchen (secretary) to
His Eminence Gangteng Trulku Rinpoche at the Gangteng monastery.
In 2008, coinciding with the nationwide celebration of
hundred years of the Bhutan Monarchy, he was honored as the recipient of the
title of Khenpo (Professor) during the awarding ceremony of the first batch of
Khenpos at the Gangteng Monastery.
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(Trulku with His Holiness Gangteng Trulku Rinpoche) |
Trulku has held the most pure and complete lineage of East
Treasure King of Terchen Dorji Lingpa. Trulku has received numerous
transmissions (4) including complete Dzongchen from His Holiness Je Trizur
Tenzin Dendup; Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; Penor Rinpoche, and Gangteng Trulku Rinpoche.
He also received complete transmissions of Dorji Lingpa
teachings from Aja Lam Dorji Tenzin
and his uncle Busa Agay Lama Ngawang Tenzin
Rinpoche. Agay Lama Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche is the tenth (10th) successive
lineage holders of Tshungmed Tashi Tenzin and the recognized Trulku of the Lam
Sherab Yozer Rinpoche, the eighth (8th) successive lineage holders of Tshungmed
Tashi Tenzin.
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Agay Lama received most Dorji Lingpa teachings from Hon’ble
Je Yeshey Singye, the 65th Je Khenpo of Bhutan.
To preserve and promote the teachings and the culture of
Dorji Linga, a monastic school was established at Busa Wangdue Goenpa Monastery
in 2000 with over 30 Monks. It is supported and sustained with the support of
the Taiwan Dorji Linga Centre under the leadership of Trulku.
The plan to
relocate the Shedra as a (Thorim Shedra) Buddhist College to accommodate more
monks with full boarding facilities at (Tshang kha Fa Kha) is underway.
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(HE Trulku at Taiwan Dorje Lingpa's Centre) |
In 2009 Trulku was appointed as the Head of Busa Wangdue
Goenpa Dorji Lingpa Dhensa Monastery in 2009. His Eminence the Gangteng Trulku
Rinpoche and Agay Lama Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche presided over the appointment
ceremony, which included the people and the community of the areas surrounding
the monastery and representatives from Wangdue and Trongsa Dzongkhags
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(During the formal appointment as the Head of Busa Wangdue Goenpa Dhensa in 2009) |
In 2013 Trulku established the Dorji Lingpa Foundation. The
foundation has Busa Wangdue Goenpa dhensa monastery as the pivotal monastery
with four other monasteries also under the management and support of the Foundation:
Rabutse Lhakhang at Pangkha Goenpa, Tshengay Pokto at Rukubji, Zabjay Lhakhang
at Dangchu, Lami Goenpa at Drangla:
Events of handing over of monastery to Trulku Rinpoche
In 2014 the community of Rukubji and Bombelo handed over the
Tshengay Pokto monastery (Dudpung zelnen Ling) to Trulku. Since then a monastic
primary school was established with three teachers and 23 monks. A two-story
dormitory, kitchen, dining area and classrooms have been constructed for the
monks and teachers.
In 2015 Rabutshe Gonenpa (Ternye gyephel Ling) another holy
site blessed by Vajravarahi and Guru Rinpoche in the eighth (8th) century was
offered to Trulku. The site has a statue of Guru Rinpoche, which was believed
to have spoken and shed tears. Since the Foundation took over the site the
dilapidated monastery has been re-built with the support of the Royal
Government of Bhutan and donors from Bhutan and abroad. A monk and a caretaker
have been appointed to manage the monastery.
In 2017 the Zhabje Lhakhang "Monastery of Foot
Prints" at Dangchu, which is a very sacred legacy of Guru Rinpoche and
Dorji Lingpa, was handed over by the people of Dangchu to Trulku. A plan to
develop a Dorji Lingpa nunnery at the monastery is now well underway.
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(Zhabje Lhakhang) |
On December 28, 2017, the 70th Je Khenpo Trulku Jigme
Choedra, the Chief Abbot of the Central Monastic Body of Kingdom of Bhutan,
conferred ‘Tashi Lekdhar’ to Trulku at Autsho, Lhuentse, in Eastern Bhutan in
recognition of the contributions Trulku has made to spreading Buddhist dharma
and Dorji Lingpa teachings and culture to benefit all sentient beings.
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(His Holiness the Je Khenpo confers Tashi Lekdhar to Trulku Rinpoche) |
The Tashi Lekdhar was conferred as an additional endorsement
as the recognized Trulku (reincarnation) of the Lam Phuntsho Dorji (Tsundrue
Dorji), the ninth (9th) successive lineage holders of Tshungmed Tashi Tenzin,
the Heart Son of Terchen Dorji Lingpa as already recognized by Late Aja Lam
Drodul Dorje Tendzin Rinpoche.
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(Therchen Dorje Lingpa) His Majesty The King offered a statue of Tertoen Dorji Lingpa to Busa Wangdue Goenpa of Sephu gewog in Wangduephodrang on 30th June 2018. |
1. The Five Treasure Kings (Terchen Gyelpo Nga) are Nga Tha
Ngya Nima Yoezer (1st), Guru Choewang (2nd), Dorji Lingpa (3rd), Pema Lingpa
(4th) and Dong Ngag Khyentshe Choe Gi Wangpo (5th)
2. Mahakala – in Bhutanese Buddhism the Mahakala is a deity
that demonstrates the wrathful and protective qualities of compassion. This
deity grants protection from external and internal interferences and assists in
the development of one's Dharma practice.
3. The Je Khenpo is Bhutan’s spiritual Buddhist leader and
is the Chief Abbot of the Central Monastic Body of Kingdom of Bhutan and holds
a place of equivalent status to the King of Bhutan.
4. In Bhutanese Buddhism sutras, mantras and teaching are
passed from master to student through “oral transmission”. This practice
ensures the student is at an appropriate level of comprehension and practice of
Buddhism to understand the teachings