Friday, January 25, 2019

Lo Khak (Individual bad year)

Lo Khak 

Lo Khak happens when your birth sign and the current year sign are the same. Lo Khak is very inauspicious year and it is repeated after every 12 years. 

Birth and one year
ü  12 to 13 years age,
ü  24 to 25 years of age
ü  36 to 37 years of age
ü  48 to 49 years of age
ü  60 to 61 years of age
ü  72 to 73 years of age
ü  84 to 85 years of age
ü  96 to 97 years of age.

This year the birth sign is Earth Female Pig and as such people with Pig birth sign are Lo Khak. They should excise extreme care throughout this year.
It is also to be noted that for men the year before a Lo-Khak (called Nang- Khak) is a little more problematic than the Lo-Khak itself, for women, it is the year after Lo-Khak (called Chi-Khak) that is tough which many astrologers don't point out.
During a Lo-khak year, there are reputedly six months of particular danger when you are most vulnerable:

v Bird Month:             2nd half very bad
v Dog Month:             1st half very bad
v Pig Month:               Passable
v Mouse Month:        2nd half very bad
v Ox Month:                1st half very bad
v Tiger Month:           Passable
v Hare Month:            2nd half very bad
v Dragon Month:       Entire month very bad
v Snake Month:          1st half very bad
v Horse Month:          Passable
v Sheep Month:          2nd half very bad
v Monkey Month:      Entire month very bad
v Bird Month:                         1st half very bad

To pacify your bad year, you have to perform various rituals including Jabzhi after consulting astrologer and referring the annual Lomo.