Thursday, January 3, 2019

Meaning of Dzi beads and it’s benefits

The meaning of the Tibetan word "Dzi" translates to "shine, brightness, clearness, splendours"


Dzi are priceless and should never be sold. The protection that Dzi give to the wearer is immense and that is the very reason why that is sought after. People don't mind paying huge price to own it and receive continuous blessing from it.


People wonder why some people part off money in millions to buy this. There is a Reason!!


Dzi stones are said to do a number of things. Some protect its wearer from negative energies or accidents; some attract wealth or wisdom, while others might bring you love and happiness.


The benefits of the Dzi are given below and think twice if you have one and planing to sale.


1.    One-Eyed Dzi 

The bead of Light; enabled better thinking process and improved wisdoms.


2.    Double-Eyed Dzi 

Enabled harmony between husband and wife, build a happy family, successful career and good relationship with others.


3.    Three-Eyed Dzi 

Represents the three stars of luck: happiness, honor and longevity. It is the bead of wealth and health to bring continuous fortunes.  Also known as the God of Wealth (Zambala) in esoteric doctrine.


4.    Four-Eyed Dzi 

Represents Avalokiteśvara, Mañjuśrī, Ksitigarbha, and Samantabhadra; the four great Bodhisattvas, scattering and destroying all hindrances for the wearer.


5.    Five-Eyed Dzi 

Blessing by Kuvera, the god of wealth, for continuous fortunes and longevity, perfect and good luck, endless of happiness.


6.    Six-Eyed Dzi 

Restores the physiological functions of the viscera and bodily strength, release from the suffering of the six ways of sentient existence (Samsara), to remove (by magic, prayer, incantation) impending ill fortune, represents increment of fortunes.


7.    Seven-Eyed Dzi 

Perfection in every aspect of life: good fate, good name, career, fortune, health, long life and marriage.


8.    Eight-Eyed Dzi 

Doing well and complete in everything, venerable and wealthy, protected by Eight Auspicious Signs. Avoids influences by the eight groups of demon-followers and enter the eightfold noble path.


9.    Nine-Eyed Dzi 

Accumulation of meritorious virtue, increases compassionate, separates from suffering and obtains happiness, escapes from the human world of woes and finds salvation, resplendent authorities and gains advantages.


10.Ten-Eyed Dzi 

Removes all karmic hindrances, increases respect-inspiring virtue, live a joyful life and perfect in every way.


11.Eleven-Eyed Dzi 

Represents the five Dhyani Buddhas and the Brilliant Mantra of Six Words, accumulates blessedness and wisdoms and dispels calamities.


12.Twelve-Eyed Dzi 

Represents the twelve divine generals mentioned in the sutra of Medicine Buddha (Bhaisajya); accumulation of honor, power and influence.


13.Thirteen-Eyed Dzi 

Represents the five Dhyani Buddhas and Eight Auspicious Signs; the body and mind always at ease, unafraid and march forward courageously to achieve the highest level of the conduct.


14.Fifteen-Eyed Dzi 

Represents the Seven Treasures and the Eight Dharmas, aids and blesses by Devas to achieve all wishes.


15.Twenty One-Eyed Dzi 

Increases the power of Buddha-truth, achieves all one’s wishes, integrated with the nature and reaches the highest Poetic level, the Mahayana. 


One thing to remember concerning these curious little stones is this, a Dzi stone may repel things, but it also can store them. When a negativism comes at you, your stone may block it or absorb it. They can also give very positive energies to you, while absorbing a bit of your energy in the process. In other words, a bit of them goes into you and a bit of you will go into them. 


The downside to this is that if you are not the original owner of the stone, you may get slapped with some of the first owner’s bad karma. 


The way to prevent this from happening is to "cleanse" your Dzi stone when you get it. This will release all of that stored up nastiness, and will allow you to introduce yourself to your Dzi stone, and form a fresh spiritual bond. 


Dzi beads are of supernatural origins. 


Fortunate Bhutanese owner put on the Dzi during Tshechu and big festivals.


Category of Dzi

Category 1 is generally the most sought beads in order of desirability. It should be noted that Dzi with eyes tends to be the most sought after Dzi. 

We view pure Dzi as being of Divine or supernature origin and therefore not made by human hand. Even the bead hole is believed to be a natural occurrence and not drilled by hand. 

Category 1;

Dzi with eyes (which include fusiform, oval and barrel shape Dzi)

Oval Dzi (which can include lotus design, longevity vase, and other decorations. 

Dzi with unusual design (which include a combination of eyes and unique motifs).

Tiger Dzi, these Dzi is an oval shape and display double stripe decoration. Some times rare beads can contain more stripes.

Tasso Dzi, these are single stripe Dzi is not to be confused with double stripes Tiger Dzi.

Luk Mi Dzi or Ta Mik Dzi, this includes both decorated and native varieties that are likely to have originated from India and western Asia. It is the refurbished variety of these tabular beads that are most looked after. Some rare beads can include symbols such as swastika or cross. Only the decorated bead is considered a pure Dzi.

Category 2;

Chong or Chung Dzi with unusual decorations and eyes- some Chung Dzi can display eyes and other Decorations. they are very collectible but not fall into the pure Dzi category and this is reflected in their market value.

Chong Dzi with stripes

Phum Dzi– These wonderful beads usually display net or longevity decoration and in some rare cases they can display eyes and other decoration. They are usually gray and black in color and display a white decoration, They can also be much fatter than other beads and have a less uniformed shape.

Natural banded agates or heat treated agate beads. These beads can display a variety of colors and natural banding. the most sought after of these beads will display natural eye formations and the stronger darker base color.

Natural round (some times barrel-shaped) agate beads known as Bhaisajyaguru, Soloman, or Suleimani beads. they are usually opaque beads that are black/brown/grey in color and can display natural crystalline banding they are considered perfect beads for spencer and complete Malas.

Decorated (Also known as etched) agates and carnelians (which include the Pyu beads Burma and decorated beads found in southern India and western Asia). These beads can display stripes, eyes and unusual decorations. They also come in a variety of shapes and size and can range from subtle orange to deep ruby red in color( if made from Carnelian ). Their decoration is usually white but can also appear in black.