THUN-SUM (three friends)
and DUN-ZUR (7th Opposite sign)
Thun-Sum, Nga Thun (Sign in 5th position) the three is in great harmony.
The followings grouping are friends and are compatible for marriage. They go well with each other.
Dun-Zur (7th
Opposite sign)
Thun-Sum, Nga Thun (Sign in 5th position) the three is in great harmony.
The followings grouping are friends and are compatible for marriage. They go well with each other.
If the current year sign is
the 7th or opposite of the birth sign, this is called Dun-Zur and is also bad. This
year the birth sign is Pig so the 7th opposite of Pig is Snake. As
such the Pig year is also bad for snake sign. If the current year is same
element as the birth element, then this too is not so good.
Here, it is very
important to note that one should not marry with 7th opposite sign
or Dun-Zur. If one does, one will have a miserable marriage life.
Image Courtesy: Tibetan
Astrology. Presentation by Martial Chetelat