As per our tradition as soon as the baby is born, and the moment
you tie umbilical cord and disconnects, say the following:
“Oh, my child, you are born out of love,
May you live for a hundred years,
May you see a hundred autumns,
May you live long and be glorious.
May the nine evils be destroyed,
May you have prosperity, happiness and wealth.”
Than wash the baby in scented water (Saffron). Wrap the baby
with a cloth that is incensed to deter demons.
Before baby is breast feed, mark the syllable ཧྲཱི (Hri) on the baby’s tongue by
hand and than allows it to suckle. It is believed that the baby will
possess a very sharp mind and good vocal.
Collect the placenta; take to far away place and burry deep
in the ground so that dogs or wild animals cannot dig it up. Don’t leave in hospital
that land in dustbins.
Burry the placenta in the correct direction as per the following
month to avoid harm to your wife:
1st, 5th and 9th (East)
2nd, 6th and 10th (West)
c. 4th, 8th and 12th (South)
d. 3rd, 7th and 11th (North)
Than after 3 days, to avert inauspicious occurrences in the
house call a Lama and perform Lhabsang Thruel Suel.
There are other
procedures as well (viz. sleeping direction, baby naming, baby taking out of
the house for the first time etc) but this much I think is sufficient.